Sicilian corner Pilasters, third quarter of the 18th century

CoPair of corner pilasters
Sicily Third quarter of the 18th century


Pair of corner pilasters carved to house a porcelain collection; supported by three carved feet, they develop over the entire surface a carving of leafy curls and flowers that act as a support for shelves for objects or as a support with a curl for the lodgings of the saucers. Following the movement of the carving there are in fact the concave lodgings for dishes and a series of green tinted reserves on the uniform mecca gilding that covers the entire surface.


Dimensions: 218 x 20 x 20 cm


Historical-stylistic analysis:

We are facing with a couple of corners that were undoubtedly inserted in a richer complex probably destined to a porcelain cabinet, as can be guessed from the shelves and the lodgings for the saucers.

There are still documented environments in Sicilian palaces with rooms that preserve the original wood paneling carved with these supports, on the other hand it was a widespread fashion in the second half of the 18th century where there was great consideration for porcelain, both from the East and from Europe. It should be remembered that the Real Fabbrica di Capodimonte in Naples was one of the most important productions of what was called white gold.

If porcelain cabinets could not be missing in any palace, in this case we can hypothesize that we are in Sicily for the sake of carving but also for the pleasure of coloring the gilding like mecca, creating reserves. The asymmetrical movement and the rocaille taste of the carving undoubtedly place these objects in the third quarter of the eighteenth century.
An interesting comparison can be made with the pilasters of the boiserie of Palazzo Butera, where the rocaille shelves are made in the same way.


– Mario Giarrizzo – Aldo Rotolo, Furniture and Furniture makers in Sicily in the eighteenth century, ed. Flaccovio

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